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Maji Battle Terms

Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle brings a lot of specific terms in japanese that can be confusing to non-speakers. In this section we'll guide you through the most used terms and what they mean so you can figure the game out by yourself just by connecting the words.

Stats (ステータス)

There is a total of 6 stats in the game. They are:
総合力: Total Power.
体力: Physical Power (HP).
攻撃力: Attack Power (ATK).
防御力: Defense Power (DEF).
妖力: Spirit Power (SP).
素早さ: Base Speed (SPD).

Attributes (属性)

There is a total of 5 attributes in the game. They are:
心: Heart.
技: Dex.
体: Body.
陰: Yin.
陽: Yang.
The Attribute Advantage Chart is Heart 🡆 Dex 🡆 Body 🡆 Heart. Yin ↔ Yang.

Abnormal Condition/Status (状態異常)

There is a total of 7 abnormal statuses in the game. They are:
気絶: Stun.
麻痺: Paralyze.
氷: Freeze.
毒: Poison.
火傷: Burn.
暗闇: Blind.
沈黙: Silence.

Attack Related

There are 2 types of attack and 2 mechanics that affect them in the game. The attacks are:
必殺技: Special Technique.
通常攻撃: Basic Attack.
And the mechanics are:
会心率: Critical Rate.
ガード率: Guard Percentage.

Strengthening Effects (強化効果)

There is a total of 3 types of strengthening in the game. They are:
アップ: Up.
耐性アップ: Resistance Up.
増加: Increase.

Weakening Effects (弱体効果)

There is a total of 3 types of weakening in the game. They are:
ダウン: Down.
耐性ダウン: Resistance Down.
減少: Decrease.

Other Effects

There are other 9 types of effects in the game. They are:
効果: Effect.
挑発: Provoke.
解除: Cancellation.
持続時間: Duration Time.
カウンター: Counter.
通常攻撃回避: Basic Attack Dodge.
通常攻撃回数: Basic Attack Number.
継続回復/継続体力回復: Continuous HP Regeneration.
通常攻撃回数: Basic Attack Number.

Special Mechanics

There are many terms used in the special descriptions in the game. They are:
敵単体: One enemy.
敵全体: All enemies.
自分: Self/Own.
含む味方: Including Allies.
味方全体: All Allies.
対象: Target.
横一列: Row.
縦一列: Column.
敵前列: Front Column.
敵後列: Back Column.
付与率: Chance to Cast.
効果時間: Effect Duration.
ターン: Turn(s).
与ダメージ: Given Damage.
被ダメージ: Taken Damage.
弱点ダメージ: Advantage Damage.

Autoskill Mechanics (オートスキル)

There are many terms used in the autoskill descriptions in the game. They are:
永続: Permanent.
発動条件: Activation Condition.
発動確率: Activation Chance.
回数制限: Number Limit.
(x)回: (x) Time(s).
無制限: Unlimited.
に(x)がかかったとき: When under (x).
WAVE間始から: From the Start of the WAVE.
の体力が(x)以下なったとき: When HP is under (x).
がダウンしたとき: After death.
バトル間始時: At the Start of the Battle.
が敵を倒したとき: After defeating an enemy.
が必殺技を受けたとき: After receiving a special.
必殺技使用時: After using a special.
Note: Make sure you pay attention whether the effect is about the unit (first word is 自分) or an ally (starts with 味方).

Character Strengthening (キャラクター強化)

The terms used in the Character Strengthening Screen are:
レベル: Level.
ランク: Rank.
タイプ: Type.
レアリテイ: Rarity.
キャラ強化: Strengthen Character.
限界突破: Limit Break.
覚醒: Awakening.

Demon Tool Strengthening (妖具強化)

The terms used in the Character Strengthening Screen are:
妖具強化: Strengthen Tool.
進化: Evolve.
鍛錬: Forge.
セット効果: Set Effect.
付属効果: Attached Effect.
属性専用効果: Attribute Exclusive Effect.
キャラ専用効果: Character Exclusive Effect

JP Character Names

The Japanese site, Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle Gamerch, keeps its character list updated with the most recent units in the game. To find the Japanese name of the character you're looking for, just select the rarity below and search for their thumb among the list.

The Japanese Version of a character's name is usually portrayed as [Unit Name] Character Name. So "Kurama, Dazzling" would be converted into "[Dazzling] Kurama".

Click the rarities to go to the pages containing the Character Names:

Click Here for the list of 5★ Characters.
Click Here for the list of 4★ Characters.
Click Here for the list of 3★ Characters.
Click Here for the list of 2★ Characters.
Click Here for the list of 1★ Characters.

To see the Support Characters of each rarity, just scroll down the pages listed above.
Created by Yuyya, edited by Mitsu